India generates an estimated amount of 32 million metric tons of packaging wastes every year which is about 12-15% of dry wastes of total Municipal solid Waste (MSW). The Municipal wastes consist of dry wastes (including post consumer packaging wastes), wet wastes ( rotten and leftover fruits and vegetables, leftover cooked foods either at home, hotel and restaurants), electronics wastes etc.
Day by day with an increase in awareness, Multi-Layer Plastic & Paper Packaging waste Collection is becoming easier and waste is available in huge quantities. There is an increasing need for creating local recycling capacities for such wastes. This is a very big opportunity to convert this waste into useful resources.
Optimizing this opportunity, Kolkata Municipal Corporation has extended its support towards our initiative which not only furthers our mutual agenda of building eco-friendly tomorrows, but also helps diminish the more widespread problem of landfills.
Ecoville was initiated with the vision of building a sustainable future and protecting the environment by revolution zing the building and construction materials industry. What we are providing to the customers is a cost-effective substitute to real wood that is not only created with recycled plastic but is also a recyclable material itself thereby making the products environmentally-conscious. Our goal is to shift the market from materials and processes used in construction that potentially harm the environment towards sustainable alternatives that are not only eco-friendly but also better in terms of performance.